President Obama says that we must finish building a new foundation for shared and lasting prosperity so that everybody who works hard has a chance to get ahead. President Obama praises 9-14 school P-TECH, located in Brooklyn, and challenges the country to create more programs like this. Energy Tech accepted that challenge!
October 25, 2013
At Energy Tech, we believe that our collaboration between a high school, higher education, and industry will provide our students a seamless transition to college and careers. The 9-14 program we are building for students is informed by current need in our local job market, and by what will be expected of students in college. We are deeply committed to providing new opportunities to access college and careers, and also to providing a sustainable pipeline of STEM talent for our city.
We believe that our work is a community approach. We expect families to support their children with challenging high school and college coursework, as well as with internships and additional coursework offered after school, on Saturdays, and over the summer. We expect a great deal more than the basic requirements for a high school diploma, and that is because we are preparing our students for very competitive employment in energy and engineering and demanding post-secondary studies.
Core Values
- safe to ask questions, to make mistakes, and to learn
- known and valued for who they are and for their unique contributions to the community
- challenged and supported in ways that help them grow
- accountable to their community
- empowered to meet their potential